الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

11 Must Follow Golden Rules for Every Hoteliers

11 Must Follow Golden Rules for Every Hoteliers


Description: Man carrying pizza

Today I will discuss 11 must follow golden customer service rules which are very important for each and every hoteliers or staffs working in any restaurant or cafeteria. Try to follow these rules and increase your expertise.
1: Looks like a Professional: It has been saying that “first impression is the last impression”. So why not you take the chance to impress your guest at the very first contact. Hotel industry is a professional industry and to cope up here you need to be professional right from the beginning of your career. You should wear proper uniform, maintain personal hygiene

2: Immediate attention to your guest: All the guests want full attention. So if you are busy you have to be tricky enough to give proper attention to your guests. Sometimes a waiter has to cover 2 to 5 tables at a time and it may become impossible to concentrate on the entire table equally in a busy time of the day. So, if you are free then you should help your colleague. You can serve other table because after all you all are part of the same organization and you all have to work as a team.
3: Be confident: If you are working in a hotel and restaurant and you are not confident enough to handle guests then it will reflect in your work and guest will not feel satisfied. As a staff, you should be confident enough to work and server guests properly.
4: Sincere Greetings: At the very first step try to make your guest friendly and show him your sincerity. A ready smile and greeting will make your guest comfortable and friendly that will help you to deal with him in future.
5: Listen Properly: Listen first then answer this golden rule you should follow both in your personal and professional life. If you do not listen properly then there is a high chance that you will make mistake. You may take wrong order or disturb guest in a wrong time etc. Even there are some guests who may have lack in speaking in foreign language like English. So, give more attention to understand what guests want to say and then reply.
6: Maintain Eye Contact: Proper eye contact will make guest feel that you are listening him properly. It also makes it easy to maintain good friendly conversation.
7: Using Guest’s Name: Just think you. Don’t you feel happy if someone call you by your name in any place? If you are sure about your guest’s name then try to call him by his name. This will easily make guest happy and he will thought you would give him extra care.
8: Protect Guest Privacy: This is very important for front office staffs. Always maintain guest privacy. Do not disclose such information among other guest which can be harmful for any particular guest. For example when a bell person escort a guest to his room then in spite of asking guest about his room number ask politely to hand over his room key and by this way you will know his room number and at the same time maintain guest privacy.
9: Offer Extra Service: Your main focus should be to make your guest feel that you are taking special care of him and willing to help him more and more. Always offer extra service. This will make your guest happy and you can also increase your selling.
10: Try to meet guest requests: When guests make requests that hotel cannot meet the requirements then do not directly refuse your guests, you should try to help as much as possible. Even if for any reason you cannot satisfy the guests try to make guests feel the hotel has been doing our utmost to help him.

11: Handle Complaint with Extra Care: Those who are working in hotel industry for some years know how important this is. A single guest can give you 100 more guests and from that 100 more guest you can get 1000 more. On the other hand a single guest’s dissatisfaction may cause you serious lose. So, never ignore even a minor complaint. Take it as a chance to improve your standard. Always be careful to take follow up steps after receiving guest complaint. Always remember that if you promise your guest to solve any problem then it is your duty to take follow up time to time and be sure to resolve the problem.

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