الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

50 Reasons That Make Your Guest Unhappy

50 Reasons That Make Your Guest Unhappy

Description: http://www.hospitality-school.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/reasons-unhappy-guest-restaurant-280x300.jpg
            Friends, today in this Training we will try to find out those reasons of why guest become unhappy with your service. I don’t know how much you care about unhappy guest but let me tell you this is very crucial for your business. Yet not convinced. OK let me share you this statistics. These are some Great Statistics I wanted to share with you in my proposed these are some statistics found from a great research done by an US Research Firm on the Reasons of Guest Complaint & the Impact of Unhappy Guest in Hospitality Business. The major outcomes are:

1. 68% of lost guests do not return because of poor service by the staffs.
2. 32% do not return because of death, relocation, competition and poor products and facilities.
3. Less than 5% dissatisfied guests speak out which means 95% of them remain silent and out of 20 dissatisfied guests you can only know about 5.
4. Half of those 95% silent dissatisfied guest do not return.
5. It costs 5 times more to get a new customer than to keep an existing guest.
Anyway, here are top 50 reasons of why guest become unhappy with your service provided in restaurant. If you are a F & B Manager or supervisor then you should use this list as a checklist and train your staffs to be careful with these incidents and try to avoid these. Reasons of Guest’s Unhappiness are:

  1. When ashtrays have more than 2 butts in them.
  2. When salads are at room temperature.
  3. When water glasses are not automatically refilled.
  4. When hotel food and beverage is served on cold plates or in old cups.
  5. When hot food is not hot and when cold food is not cold.
  6. When the R/S phone rings more than 5 times before being answered.
  7. When a guest gets put on hold for more than 30 seconds.
  8. When dishes or glasses are chipped.
  9. When silver on tables is spotted or tarnished.
  10. When glasses are streaked. (Hold them up to the light and you will see).
  11. When menus or placemats are ripped, stained or smudged.
  12. When bread or rolls are stale around the edges.
  13. When there are not enough menus for the customers.
  14. When condiment bottles are not full and are coated at the neck.
  15. When guests wait for 3 minutes without having a drink order taken.
  16. When food sits in the window waiting to be picked up. (FOOD = CHEF)
  17. When we run out of china, silver or glass.
  18. When silver is set crooked on tables.
  19. When the tabletop is not picture perfect.
  20. When sugar bowls are dirty inside. ( take the sugar cubes out and look inside )
  21. When salt and peppers shakers are greasy to touch or half empty.
  22. When we run out of any item in any bar or restaurant at any time.
  23. When service personnel have the “I’m doing you a favor” attitude.
  24. When banquets or coffee breaks start late.
  25. When soft drinks come out of the system “flat”
  26. When debris, bits of paper and food is not IMMEDIATELY picked up from the carpets or floors in restaurants and bars.
  27. When R/S trays and tables stay on guest floors more than 3 hours.
  28. When restaurants and bars open late or close early. (Regular hours are printed and posted all through the hotel and guest rooms).
  29. When a guest pays top dollar for quality food and beverage and does not get it.
  30. When a guest orders the DESCRIPTION on the menu and gets something else.
  31. When a guest pays top dollar for sleeping rooms and can’t get a quick, hot, courteous breakfast the following morning.
  32. When a guest travels all evening to get to the hotel and then can’t get a quick 1st class sandwich or a couple eggs (HOT AND FRESH).
  33. When guests don’t get seated; see empty tables and don’t get P.R. or “Strokes” while they stand in line.
  34. When chairs and booths are dirty, stained or have crumbs on them
  35. When guests who come for breakfast don’t get coffee immediately on being seated.
  36. When R/S says 20 minutes and it takes 30 minutes to get the order.
  37. When coffee is not steaming. (CHECK BANQUETS )
  38. When fruit garnish in bars or R/S is dried out.
  39. When buffet tables or salad bars are not replenished quickly.
  40. When orders arrive and they are incomplete, or service people ask “who gets what?”
  41. When coffee cups are stained. (Check inside of cups.)
  42. When bud vase water is murky of flowers wilted.
  43. When table or meeting room linens have small bowls, rips or burns.
  44. When tables and chairs are wobbly.
  45. When greasy, dirty tags are used to wipe down tables.
  46. When guests do not get recognized by a smile, a hello or eye to eye contact when they hit the door of any restaurant.
  47. When guests do not think you have tried your very best to please them even if everything was not perfect.
  48. When guests are on a tight morning schedule and can’t get in and out of the C/S in 25 minutes.
  49. When a guest gets their food check and it is sloppy, wet or stained.
  50. When guests are drinking and have nothing to nibble on.

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