الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

Must Follow Etiquette Tips for Hoteliers

Must Follow Etiquette Tips for Hoteliers

Hotel industry is a truly professional industry. Success of an establishment highly dependent on the professionalism of its staffs and authority. Therefore being a part of this industry, as a hotelier you should maintain some etiquette to ensure 100% professionalism from your part. Today we will learn some must follow etiquette tips. If you really want to be a successful hotelier then must follow the following tips.

1: Don’t discuss any argumentative topic in front of your guests and even with your colleagues that could hurt others or create arguments. Such as:

  • Politics or Political Views
  • Religion
  • Hotel’s internal policies and procedures and staff’s welfare
  • Family affairs
  • Personal relationship
  • Personal affairs and conversation of intimate nature
  • Supernatural beliefs
2: If you don’t have working schedule then don’t come in hotel. Without schedule our presence in hotel is strictly prohibited.
3: After finishing your working hours don’t walk here and there. You are not allowed to hang around in public area (i.e. restaurants, pubs, theatres, parks etc) of a hotel.
4: As an hotelier you must keep in mind that you are part of a team. So, if required be prepare to assist your colleague, do whatever job you are assigned. For example a Cashier can assist to move luggage, front desk manager can rooming a guest. etc.
5: Try to think beyond a guest. Try to consistently exceed guests’ expectation by always thinking one step ahead of them and delivering the best possible service even before they could ask for it. But must keep in mind that never be so hyperactive that your guest could be bored with you.
6: While working must follow these etiquette rules:
  • Always wear proper uniform with correct Identity badge or tag.
  • Conduct with your guest in a professional and respectable manner
  • Stand like a professional. Stand in an upright posture with hands behind the back when not serving Guests.
  • No raising of voices  or arguing with guests, causing commotion and disturbing the peace
  • Do not rough and tumble
  • Do not use Guest’s elevator unless escorting Guests. Use the Stairs if it is for 3 levels down or 2 level up.
  • Escort guests into the elevator first and assist them with pushing the lift buttons.
  • Do not gather in groups of more than two. Unnecessary gathering or gossiping is strictly prohibited.
  • Do not chew gum. This looks really bad.
  • Do not smoke while on duty except in designated area during meal breaks and do not smoke with jacket on.
  • Do not wriggle arms, legs or drum fingers at the counter.
  • Do not lean against walls or counter, slam drawers or throw things around.
  • Do not read magazines, newspapers or books.
  • Do not sleep while on duty. If you need just take few minutes rest on back area.
  • Do not keep or take property not belonging to you personally.
  • Do not invite friends or relatives into any area of the hotel. Must remember this is your working place not your home!
  • Do not make unimportant and long personal phone calls. Specially if you work in front desk then don’t use hotel’s phone for personal reason unless you really need to use it.
  • Do not carry hand phone and pager, must be on silent mode.
  • Do not utilize hotel guest facilities for your personal benefit.
  • Do not sit at any time in areas designated for guest.
  • Do not loiter around public area i.e. Lobby, lift landing, guests’ floors
  • Do not bring food into work area.
  • Do not manicure nails, pick teeth, nose, comb or flick hair.
  • Do not register anger or impatience towards colleagues and guests.
  • Assist guests by personally showing them to their required location, when time and manning permit and duty calls for.
  • Smile and acknowledge every guest that passes your way by using proper greetings.
  • Greet your guest and colleagues whenever you meet with them.
  • Must take each and every complaint with highest priority.

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